Tuesday, September 29, 2009

COOL new book!

ASYLUM: Inside the Closed World of State Mental Hospitals

I found this at work today and fell immediately in love. This is a photographic history of abandoned insane asylums, stuffed to bursting with glossy black & white and full color photographs of the grounds, rooms and hallways of some of America's most notorious mental institutions.

I must own this book.
So, who's buying it for me?


  1. Ohh Awesome!! I think I'm gunna try and check this book out! There is an abandoned insane asylum near where I live. A few friends and I one day walked through it and Ooooooo it was CREEPY!!!

  2. Hello........ you can find this book for around 27.00 on Amazon.com....... and actually, someone should really buy it for ME as I have worked in an old WA state run hospital since 2004....
    I am on a leave right now, but when I was there, I used to go for walks on campus during my "lunch" on swingshift...... CREEPY at times!! Complete with bats buzzing you and owls hooting from the rafters!
    Not sure if I will be released to return to work there....... but the place was spooky and interesting at the same time..... and I will miss it in my own way! So....... who wants to buy this book for me? :)
    just joking of course!
    Happy Halloween!!!


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