Saturday, June 25, 2011

Körperwelten or Body Worlds

The Gothic Tea Society

People around the world have flocked to see this amazing exhibit. I hope to see it myself the next time it comes to Los Angeles. Have you seen it? What did you think? Leave a comment and tell us all about it!

Wiki- Body Worlds (German title: Körperwelten) is a traveling exhibition of preserved human bodies and body parts that are prepared using a technique called plastination to reveal inner anatomical structures. The exhibition's developer and promoter is German anatomist Gunther von Hagens, who invented the plastination technique in the late 1970s at the University of Heidelberg.

Read more on this fascinating exhibit HERE


  1. I adored BodyWorlds. "Skin Man" still fascinates me. The only thing I found odd was the lack of fat. Perhaps fat doesn't plastinate well?

  2. There is an exhibit of animals too, which I find to be more tolerable than the humans. For some reason.

  3. Isn't this the a controversial exhibit, too? Never the less, I accept this as an art, and I would love to see it in person!


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