Who: The Land of Odd Gallery
What: $100 & Under Art Show
When: February 13, 2010 – March 27, 2010
Where: 4690 Eagle Rock Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90041
Opening Reception: February 13, 2010 from 6pm to 11pm
How Much: FREE!
What: $100 & Under Art Show
When: February 13, 2010 – March 27, 2010
Where: 4690 Eagle Rock Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90041
Opening Reception: February 13, 2010 from 6pm to 11pm
How Much: FREE!
Come to The Land of Odd Gallery’s $100 & Under show, opening on the evening of February 13, 2010 from 6pm to 11pm. This event will be held in conjunction with the NELA 2nd Saturday art walk. As always refreshments will be served and the event is FREE!
Great Art! Great Prices! The Land of Odd Gallery is bursting at the seams with great artwork! With over 40 participating artists from across the country and all the work priced at, or under $100, this is going to be an event to remember. This show will be cash and carry, so get it while you can! Featuring the artwork of; Douglas Alvarez, Christie Bastet, Edith Ben-Horin, Jeff Berman, Terri Berman, Jeff Bertrand, Deborah Blanco, Chris Bonno, Heidi K. Born, Deryke Cardenaz, Bryan Collins, Josh Cooper, David Daniel, Marcel DeJure, Brett Gilbert, Jolly de Guzman, Brad Davis, William Reynolds Green, Joe B. Hall, John Hicks, Chuck Hodi, K. Howell, Chris Isner, Jinx, Bruce Kaplan, Amelia Lewis, Cynthia Llanes, Vivian Nguyen, Sean Madden, Evil Paul, Demi Pietchell, Patrick Quinn, Pablo Ramos, Monica Roache, Glenda Rolle, Lisa Rosso, Melissa Sullivan, Jason Sullivan, Ckay Walker, Matt “Creep Creeperson” Wall.

This event will also feature live painting by Santiago Heredia. Come watch Santiago as he creates a unique work of art right before your eyes!
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